I just started running powerbuilding I this week after finishing the beginner template. I’ve been stuck on the same numbers on all of my lifts for the last 2-3 weeks of the beginner template which is why I chose to start powerbuilding I.
I have a few questions about how to run powerbuilding I and about exercise selection:
Since it seems that I am not able to progress by adding weight to the bar almost every week as I have been doing on the beginner template, how should I go about progressing with weight in powerbuilding I? Should I come with a target weight in mind which is slightly higher than the previous week and base my top set off of the RPE in my warm up sets, or is there a different way I should be progressing? The reason i’m asking is that I have been doing paused bench press on day 3 of block 3 in the beginner template, and have been stuck on the same weight for a few weeks (82.5 kg × 6 reps @RPE 9-9.5). Yesterday when I ran day 2 of powerbuilding I for the first day, I tried to aim for 85 kg × 6 reps on the competition style bench, though I ended up overshooting and the set was @ RPE 10, which makes me feel like i’m stuck on the same weight for another week.
When the program has on bench for example “6 reps @ RPE 8. Repeat 6 reps @ RPE 8 for additional 2 sets”, Do I need to repeat the same weight as the first RPE 8 set for an additional 2 sets, or do I need to hit an additional 2 sets @ RPE 8 and lower the weight on the additional sets if it’s required in order for me to hit RPE 8 and not overshoot it?
Is there any benifit to doing competition style bench with a 1ct pause rather than touch and go bench press if I currently don’t plan on competing in powerlifting?
Powerbuilding I programs 5 reps @ RPE 8 for the top set for the low stress intro week. I would’ve aimed to use the ramp up sets to determine the weight. Not sure that aiming for 85 x 6 is applicable here. If I had to guess, I’d think you’re likely overshooting the RPE target pretty regularly. I would advise being conservative (e.g. 80kg x 5 on week 1) and manufacturing some momentum. That, plus the rest of the programming changes should work to improve strength. In a perfect world, you’d see demonstrable strength increases week-to-week, but sometimes it’s every other week or so. If you’re not really seeing either of those, I think some troubleshooting is necessary.
Are we sure that this is the same program? I don’t see that anywhere in the powerbuilding I program.
In any event, you don’t have to repeat the same weight if that’s going to overshoot the RPE. I’d focus on the RPE in your situation.
You’re probably going to develop a more consistent sequencing and tempo with the paused bench vs touch and go and I think that’s worthwhile if you really care about your bench press performance.
As for the program, I bought the powerbuilding I template all the way back in 2019 and am only running it now due to being out of the gym for a long time due to injuries and other life circumstances. I assume I downloaded the wrong version from back then (?).
I can access the template on the barbell medicine app, though it doesn’t show up on barbell medicine website under “Downloads”. How can I get access to the template through the website? In any case, i’ll try and make contact through the website.
I ended up getting in touch with your customer support and got the currect version of the template, and I just finished running week 1.
I’ve looked at what’s programmed for week 2 and saw that most of the big lifts, for example the the deadlift, programmed “5 reps @ RPE 8, then take off 5% and complete 5 reps x 2 sets”, as opposed to what was programmed in week 1 which was “5 reps @ RPE 6, 5 reps @ RPE 7, 5 reps @ RPE 8. No back off sets”.
What I wanted to know was whether I still need to perform 5 reps @ RPE 6 and 5 reps @ RPE 7 before jumping into my first programmed set of 5 reps @ RPE 8 as a warmup, and have my workout looking something like this:
110 kg x 5 reps @ RPE 6, 115 kg x 5 reps @ RPE 7, 120 kg x 5 reps @ RPE 8
Or, if there is another way that I should be performing my sets.