I just finished week 9 of powerbuilding I and I wanted to ask for advice as to whether I should rerun powerbuilding I or start powerbuilding II.
The numbers I hope to end week 10 of powerbuilding I with are (2.5 kg increases on my week 9 lifts that felt good):
Comp Bench (1ct pause) - 100 kg × 1 @ RPE 8
Deadlift - 150 kg × 1 @ RPE 8-9 (The movement itself is probably more towards RPE 8 but in terms of my grip strength it feels more like an RPE 9)
OHP - 47.5 kg × 6 reps × 3 sets @ RPE 8
Squat - I’ve got a long term injury so i’m working on getting back to squatting with a full ROM and i’m less focused about the weight at the moment.
I wanted to add that I ended the beginner template with the following numbers, but had to take a 2 weeks off the gym (not related to injury), which meant that I started powerbuilding I with slightly lower numbers:
Touch and go bench - 105 kg × 1 @ RPE 9
Deadlift - 145 kg × 1 @ RPE 9
OHP - 32.5 kg × 12 @ RPE 9.
I’ll also add that I have prior gym experince having been in the gym for about 5-6 years (Trained standard full body and then 4 day per week AB splits for about 2-3 years, but without proper programming or knowledge about the gym), though due to injuries and other life circumstances in the last 3 years i’ve only been training consistantly since this december (I wanted to give this background as it may effect whether I potentially need / can tolerate the higher volume in powerbuilding II).