Hey BBM team,
I’ve been running Powerbuilding I for the past couple months and am closing in on the end. I’ve seen great results in both hypertrophy and strength considering the hybrid approach. To cut right to the issue, I’ve got my first powerlifting meet coming up on October 16th of this year. I can perfectly fit a 10 week program and a 3 week peak in that time. Before running Powerbuilding I, I ran The Bridge v1, and am now wondering if I should run Strength I or skip straight to Powerlifting II since I’ve been lifting in general for about a year now.
Here are my current numbers if it matters:
Bodyweight: 181lb
Squat: 385lb @RPE8
Bench: 265lb @RPE8
Deadlift: 440lb @RPE8
Haven’t tested any singles higher than RPE 8 since before running Powerbuilding. Thanks for your time guys.