Powerbuilding I vs II

Hey docs,

A little background about me:

35/M/6’1"/223 pounds

I have been strength training for about 4 years now. I ran 5/3/1 programming for the last 2 years or so. I got introduced to BBM programming from a gym mate, and began running The Bridge 3.0 for a month or so, until I got excited by the new templates and pulled the trigger on the powebuilding II template. Currently on week 2.

My E1RMs are as follows: Bench 265, Deadlift 500, and Squat 435

QUESTION; I’ve noticed that it is recommended that powerbuilding I be ran before powerbuilding II. Is there a big issue that I started with Powerbulding II? I just prefer lifting 4 days a week and that was the primary driver in my decision.



Thanks for the post and great lifts so far! Very cool :slight_smile:

I think you could likely jump into PB II if you’ve got the time to train 4x/wk. If not, start with PB I and see how you do. Since you already have PB II, I’m guessing 4x/wk is fine with you and you’ll do great on it! Let us know how you do.


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