Dr. Feigenbaum,
Reread “To Be A Beast” and want to make another serious attempt at tracking macros after many months of “eyeballing”.
How would you suggest tracking calories burned during conditioning? And, this is a stupid question, but if I burned x amount of calories while conditioning, I would increase my total caloric load for the day by an equivalent amount of calories, correct? What would the macros for those additional calories look like?
There’s no adjustment needed for the calories burned, as that is a very tough thing to do accurately, and if you are aiming to lose weight, you want the benefit of the deficit. If you aren’t trending down in about 2 weeks, you need a macro or conditioning tweak. If you want to gain weight, you see what your weight is doing with those macros AND your training level, and if needed, you bump them up.
What do you mean? All those cardio machines accurately tell me how many calories I burn. Some are so accurate you don’t even have to put in any info about yourself and it still gives you a super accurate number!
(kidding of course)
I was thinking of asking something similar so I didn’t think it would need it’s own thread.
I was going to ask if you could (to a point) out train a higher calorie consumption.
For example, if you’re prescribed 500 calories under maintenance, with x amount of training and cardio, could you up the cardio, and eat ‘maintenance’ or even above that maintenance level of calories?
I realize “suck it up and eat what you’re supposed to” is ideal, but cravings are a thing, and sometimes will power doesn’t want to be a thing that day.
I’m guessing if that were done consistently, it would negatively impact training?
If there’s a day where you give in and eat more than your supposed to, is it better to chalk it up as a failure and move on, trying to not repeat the mistake, or would it be better to fit in significantly more gpp to make up for it?
(and let me know if this should be it’s own thread, I don’t mean to hijack)