Calorie Clarifications

I have a few clarifications regarding calorie intake, in no particular order.

  1. Do you recommend modifying daily calorie intake in any way to accommodating training? Or alter macronutrient percentages to specifically deal with the stress of training? eg. Old bro-science of carb-loading the night before a stressful training event etc. OR is it simply work out your TDEE using one of the methods you’ve recommended many times, eat in a small deficit, don’t overthink it and just train?

  2. How do you typically manage the inevitable “splurge” days or overeating? Does the literature indicate that if over any specific period of time you are in caloric deficit you will lose weight? If I know i am going to over-eat one day (birthday or pizza dates with your partner etc) i make sure i land it on a training day, in an attempt to use those extra calories for rebuilding/replenishing. Instinctively I feel that what you do most, matters most. So again, don’t overthink it, keep your protein high and correct the ship after a blow-out. I have read on here that there is a knock-on effect from overeating, is that only relating to a surplus of sugary foods?

  3. Thanks for all you do.


  1. Nope.

  2. Depends what this means for the individual. If it’s an eating-disorder related thing, that requires a different approach than if someone wasn’t adherent to the diet, for example. I think daily calorie balance is relatively important based on the current literature, regardless of source.

  3. Thanks for the kind words!


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Short follow-up. One thing that seems a bit counterintuitive. Why is higher protein recommended for weight loss? You recommend 1.6-3.1g/kg depending on goals.

Is the 3.1 end of the spectrum recommended for rapid weight loss due to a higher percentage of daily calories promoting thermic effect and being more easily oxidised?

In the future, can you start new threads with new questions? It makes the site more searchable :slight_smile:

As far as higher protein during periods of weight loss, it’s to try and preserve as much LBM as possible in the absence of other anabolic signals, e.g. as many carbohydrates and calories. Has nothing to do with thermic effect of food and protein is one of the harder macros to oxidize.