First of all, thanks for all the incredible content.
I had been running your free beginner prescription and recently bought your beginner template on Memorial Day sale, loving it so far!
Some stats: I’m Brazilian so I use the metric system. Sorry about that!
29 years old
109 kg
30% bodyfat
not sure about waist circumference but way above maximum recommended threshold
1.75m height
I have a few questions if you could be so kind!
I have been trying to stay under 2087 calories a day, which is what the NIDDK calculator says I should be at in order to get to 90 kg in 180 days (I set this goal at random), but I have been having a hard time getting my 200g of protein a day under this calorie cap. I usually end the day at 150-160 g protein with 100-150 calories left, which means that the “only” way I could get it would be through whey protein, but I always take whey in the morning and afternoon, wouldn’t a third dose be too much?
Does this 2087 calories limit seem reasonable? It seems widely different from the “to be a beast” article in which the “fluffy novice” was eating 3100 calories a day. He was 34 years old, 240 lbs (same weight as me) and 6 ft tall (taller than me, but not that much) and 35% bodyfat (more than me).
My doctor said I was insulin resistant (based on last check up exams, took them in April/2020) - which he said could be reversed if I lose weight - and that I should lose weight (which I’m trying to), he said I already had slightly high creatinine, CPK and urea (1,03 mg/dL, 206 U/L and 51 mg/dL, respectively), and - although he encourages the use of creatine for people who do resistance training - in my case he thought I should wait until I lost some weight and improved those markers (and the insulin resistance), would you agree with this opinion?
Sorry for the long text, and thanks in advance for all the help!