ACL repair surgery

In late June had a spill on a dirt bike. As I understand it, in my right knee, partial tear of patellar tendon, partial tear of MCL, complete tear of ACL, damage to meniscus. Coming right up, an orthopedic surgery is going to preform a meniciautomy and a quad tendon autograph ACL repair.

If it matters I am in my early 40’s, 5’10", 190 lbs. Been training for two years, have lost 150 pounds, and have improved my strength greatly. Been working towards a 500 pound squat, 400 pound bench and 600 pound deadlift. Presently at 450 (I think to depth) squat / 375 (not comp, but touch and go) bench / 495 dead, my deadlift sucks.

Just looking to here from some people that have been through something similar. What to expect, things I might need, what return to training looks like, timelines? They are talking about arthritis, knee replacement type stuff in my future. Any tips would be great to avoid, or prolong that?

Start with these resources:

And a few prior forum posts/discussions that may be helpful:

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