Hope this is an appropriate sub to talk about this. So I’m running the 4 day hypertrophy template. I just started week 3, but I seemed to have injured my glute/top of the hamstring. I’m not sure exactly what’s hurting, but its right where the glute and hamstrings meet. I did it during deficit deadlifts at the end of week 2. I tried working through it on my comp squat day for week three, but it just seemed to aggravate it. I notice it the most when I lock out at the top of the squat or deadlift. It doesn’t hurt when I jog or walk.
Its not super severe pain, but I’m going to rest/back off lower body work for a little and let it heal. I’m just curious as to whether I should continue to squat and deadlift at a reduced load or completely drop them for a week or two. If I do take a break from leg work, could I add in more upper body volume? Anyone have any experience with adjusting their program around an injury? How about factoring the pain into my RPE? Is that a reasonable way to slow any detraining that would occur from completely stopping those lifts? I appreciate any input. If this is a better question for the programming sub, please let me know.
I was going to post this same question. When working through a template, but then some body part needs non-catastrophized(?) load management, what’s the best way to blend that into the template in order to keep moving through the template?
I actually asked a very similar question in the training sub (still unapproved) without realizing you had posted here already. Crazy coincidence. My apologies to the mods for what was basically a repeat post.
I’m not doing the hypertrophy template (I’m doing 12-Week Strength), but I also was curious about the most optimal way to go about rehabbing my injury while also minimizing the detraining effect. I’m personally experiencing some pain in my lower back that has been primarily affecting my deadlift. However, I’m able go through full deadlift ROM pain free - the pain is not triggered until the load gets to around 300 lbs or so. Since I have full ROM and the pain is a loading issue, if one of the Docs doesn’t get back to me before my next training session, I’m just planning on following the template as written while adjusting my load selection based off of RPE 10 being when I start to feel pain. I may also add in a couple more backoff sets to get some more volume in while intensity is forced to be relatively low. FWIW, I’m just an intermediate trainee without much experience training around pain, though, so I have no idea if this is the correct/most optimal protocol.