Advice on regressing presses

I’m currently runned 4 weeks of Hypertrophy I template.

Squat: 1@8 109KG
Bench: 1@8 74KG
Deadlift: 1@8 152KG
OHP: 1@8 42KG

All time pr’s was 150/105/190/65KG SBD & OHP in February at 75KG/175CM.

Squat and Deadlift are doing well on The hypertrophy template, and I’m noticing quad hypertrophy after switching to HB squat and front squat. Deadlift are very good by just training it ones a week + RDL.

Problem is that my OHP have been stalling and regressing from the start. CGBP and incline DB bench just started regressing on week 4. DB ohp startet regressing on week 2. I’m still able to add sets on bench press, but not any weight.

I’m not certain if it’s a fatique issue from doing presses after squat and deadlift, or if it might be the programming lacking specificity. What advice would you give in my case for my regressing presses at Hypertrophy I template?

Hi Hakon,
First, was there some notable change in your training at all between now and the PRs you listed from Feb? Did you take time off and are now coming back to training? Just want to make sure I understand what is going on over that time and with those weight differences.

And then with your press specifically, you are actually doing A LOT of press related work on this template, and I’d stick out the programming as is, being sure you are not overshooting the RPE. If you do press, CGBP, Incline DB and the supplemental shoulder work, AND you tend to overshoot, you’re going to be fatigued with not too many days in there to let that dissipate, you know?

The main reason I lost strength if from not being consistent enough during the summer. The program I used at the time was Average to Savage 2.0, training each lift twice per week. It’s basically doing sets of about 5 reps, until you hit an RPE 7 or 8 with a cutoff on 10 sets. If worked great for the presses, but I think the Hypertrophy I template work better for my squat and deadlift. The main reason I wanted to change to this type of programming was because I lack muscle mass, and think that I’ll be a lot stronger in the long run if I build more muscle mass first.

Got it! That makes a bit more sense now. I do argue that adding muscle mass and sticking with a consistent training program will be helpful, very helpful. WIth this hypertrophy program, I would not be TOO concerned about the specificity of the press. How much as the OHP specifically gone down since being on this particularly template?

When testing what weight to use for the overhead press, I was able to work up to 8@8 at 45KG. I then started to regress down to 42KG, and this week I couldn’t compete my back off sets. In the summer I was able to perform multiple sets of fives with no problem, so this seems to be weaker than usual. My hypothesis is that either sets of 8 are causing too much fatique, or that I’m already too fatiqued from the squat. I am wondering if doing the powerbuilding I template might work better as it’s a lower rep range, but at the same time doing sets of 8 works quite well for squat and deadlift.

I appreciate you taking your time giving advice.

Happy to help! So this sounds like you have some fatigue, but I suspect that with a bit more time, your going to see some improvement in the press. I know it can seem off to have it move backward, but it’s early in the template, this is specifically high volume and hypertrophy focused, and while this is a decrease, it is minor so far, and I think you will build up your overall pressing strength by keeping with this. It should move up again as you adapt to this. Then after this Hypertrophy template, doing the PB 1 template will likely help you translate this work into more strength demonstrated in those lower rep ranges.

Thank you! Will changing the preds variation from db press to more pressing (or dips) be counter-productive considering it’s likely a fatique issue?

If you use RPE to select the load on the additional presses that should be fine. I’d be hesitant to add dips unless they are pretty easy for you right now.

If it helps I am on second run of hyper 2 (week 5) and have found that the press suffers from accumulated fatigue and after the low stress week it will come back nice and strong again. Just keep going and don’t worry too much.

I think you are right. Squat felt an RPE heavier than usual, and legs feel pretty fatiqued afterwards. Probably because I overreached last time. In the meanwhile I was able to complete all back off sets on the ohp, even through I wasn’t able to complete a singel rep last workout.