Hi everyone! Thanks for the great program, loving it so far!
Some questions:
- In the template, we are pressing only on wednesday. I’d like to press more because its allready stalling for me unfortunately. Where should I implement more press volume (e.g. Monday 8@6, 8@7, 8@8x3) and how should I program it? Or should I hold off and just run the template and make changes after?
- On instagram live, Jordan said that he prefered leg press over pause squat on this specific template. I would really like to know his reasoning behind this!
- In the template, why are leg press / pause sq / pause front sq designated as supplemental deadlift excersises?
3.1 why are pendlay rows designated as supplemental bench excersises?
4. for logging, i presume #3 and #3.1 should be logged as Squat assistance and Deadlift assistance respectively?
Thanks so much!