Advice on when to transition the The Bridge


Not sure if this is the right forum or if this particular question has been answered before (I’m sure it probably has…). My apologies in advance.

My question pertains to the timing of transitioning to The Bridge from a standard SSNLP. My particulars:
-44 y/o M
-history of sports and weight training in the past but with a significant lay off in any sort of training/exercise (5+ years)
-No other significant PMHx
-Began progression 9 wks ago and other than dealing with joint pain and most likely starting heavier than I should have with my squats, progression has been what I would describe as positive.

On my last training session I failed on my first work set on my squat (managed 2 reps at 340lb, backed last 2 sets off to 315lbs to finish them) This was primarily due to discomfort during the reps deep in medial aspect of L hip, in the inguinal crease. I have been making progress in all of my other lifts and feel that, particularly in the upper body lifts, that I still have considerably more progress that can be made as I started those lifts lower due to previous shoulder issues.

My question is this: given the potential to wring more out of 3/4 of the lifts on an NLP, when does it make sense to transition to the Bridge? If I should stick with the NLP with a reset on the squat, what is a reasonable amount to reset the weight by to deal with the hip pain? (Have noticed this pain for quite a few weeks but have been able to still make progress with weight but it has gradually been getting worse, almost exclusively during the squat itself. There doesn’t seem to be any weight that does not cause at least a tweak in that hip during the last 2/3 of the descent and the whole ascent) If I should transition to the Bridge now, what should I do about the weights for the upper body lifts? Lastly, if I do stick with the NLP with a reset on the squat by whatever amount makes the pain tolerable, would the addition of more volume in the form of an additional set or 2 of 5 reps make sense to start driving some hypertrophy?

My apologies for a long rambling post and thanks in advance for any advice.


Thanks for the post and for joining the forum :slight_smile:

I would transition to The Bridge or our Beginner Template now, as you’ll still be able to realize the progress you have left, just as a part of a more appropriate program. For all weight selection, we’d use RPE to feel out the appropriate load for the day.


Sounds good I will go ahead and start up the bridge ASAP. One follow on question regarding RPE if I may, does one factor in things like pain into the calculation of RPE or is it strictly based off of muscular fatigue? i.e. if my hip pain is the limiting factor (within reason) in my weights currently, does that factor into determining the RPE for that set in addition to how much weight will drive fatigue?

Thank you again!

Your entire experience factors into the RPE. We would recommend reading the associated text with The Bridge, as well as the following videos:

Perfect. Thank you.