The Bridge

Okay, I’ll assume everybody in this forum knows what is The Bridge.

Who has been doing it? I had some life things that hampered my training these last three weeks and I’ve been unable to progress past week 1.

How do you guys like it?

I’ve been doing it and liking it very much, though the sessions got a bit long for me at first. It’s mostly a work capacity issue and it took me some time to push hard and shorten the rest between sets such that I could get them done quicker.

Just starting on the final week, absolutely loved it. First time using RPE style training and was a huge fan, deadlift went from 405 to 455 at an rpe of 8. Bench went from 245 to 265 at an rpe of 8 and I’m recovering from an injury on squats so I haven’t gone beyond 225 but I feel I’m setting a very good foundation for future pr’s even with the injury.

I’m halfway through week 7 and have loved it. My week 1 to current lifts are as follows:

S​​​​quat: was 286 x 5@8, last workout was 360 x 1@8, 336 x 3@8 x 4 sets
Bench: was 215 x 5@8, last week was 248 x 1@8, 227 x 4@8 x 4 sets
Press: was 138 x 5@8, last workout was 173 x 1@8, 167 x 3@8 x 4 sets
Deadlift: was 341 x 5@8, last week was 428 x 1 @8 (but with a weak af lockout), 390 x 4@8 x 2 sets ( and 365 x 4@8 x 2)

I’ve been especially happy with my Press and Deadlift progress. Squat is moving decently well too, and in the grand scheme of things +12 lbs on bench in 6 weeks isn’t bad.

Just about to go and do Day 3 of Week 2, so really early doors for me, but so far loving:

  1. New movement variants
  2. Increased volume
  3. Increased frequencies Not so much:
  4. RPE - Determined to give a fair go, though, as - on paper - it makes a lot of sense to me. i think it’s mebbe just a little bit too much right now on top of all the other newness, making it a distraction

I just finished week 1:

After coming from 5/3/1 I like the variety with the new movement variants. Still hard to find good weights for the first weeks in the new movements (and sometimes in the known movements too). So sometimes I didn’t do as much as I maybe could and sometimes I did a little bit too much. So like: … okey, this was a @9, next time I have to go back. I think, in 2-3 weeks I will be perfectly fine how to find the right weight. The volume was not a problem, this week was pretty low on volume for me. BUT the increased frequencies and squat every training was hard, especially in the third training session with those 3-0-3 tempo squats (btw: who the f*** invented those f***ers?). I am happy the Bridge started with low stress. Right now I am enjoying the 2 days off with my sore legs.

The change in the training style for me is interesting. It’s nice to just concentrate on those 3 main movements every training. But at the same time, I miss all those assistance and supplemental movements. I normally do dips, chins, bandpulls, etc. between my sets. So after the training sessions at the Bridge, I always feel like, “oh, over? some chins? some dips now?” - but I never did it and in the end of the week I realised, that it would have been too much (did Chins at GPP day).

I think that I will make a huge progress in squatting and I hope to gain a little bit of weight. Started to eat more again and I need the additional food right now. Ordered the GainzZz supplement and also some whey to try.

Looking forward for more training sessions at the Bridge.

This is the exact opposite for me. I have found RPE to be perfect to keep me from overreaching. I can’t see myself ever going back to percentages.

Anybody else felt that they needed more transition between weeks 1 and 2?

I am a fresh graduate of SSLP (intended audience) and a 34 year old desk jockey. The volume of week 2 completely and thoroughly kicked my ass given my poor judgement on RPEs during week 1 (speaking only from hindsight). The only lifts I improved were my DL and squat, but they were already prepared by doing volume/ intensity days during my last few weeks of advanced programming of SSLP. Everything else had me red-lined by the last set with multiple failed reps. I know my work capacity sucks, but 70-90 minutes? Ha! My SSLP had me exceeding 90 minutes with a hell of a lot less volume. This, of course, is why I need “The Bridge” but my strength goals are being lowered each week just to keep a crappy pace of 2 hours.

Anecdotally, my planned weight loss has accelerated beyond my expectations during week 2 (4 lbs this week and 1 lb last week). I thought I was being very careful to avoid rapid changes, but I will adjust accordingly. This speaks to how drastic the change was from week 1 to 2.

I absolutely love the feeling of being completely depleted (relatively speaking of course), but this is not, necessarily, the intended outcome of the program after week 2. The program is fantastic, but still a bit rough around the edges IMO. My first time through this program is feeling like more of a “bridge” to “The Bridge” program.

It partially is the design of the program as the beginning is a developmental block. You should see the volume in the developmental block of the 12 week Strength template. It is scary to look at, but I am adjusting just fine (other than some slight tenderness in my wrists and forearms from the increased pressing I believe).

I admit that most of the difficulty I have is in transitioning from SSLP where every workout is a new PR where I push myself as far as I can to get that little extra weight on the bar. This was never an issue at such low volume.

My mistake seems to be underestimating RPE (using too much weight) by using the table in the pdf that are based on my fictitious eRM @ a given rep range for a lift and then modifying that weight for variation exercises. What I will be doing from now on is setting a goal, but actually testing each workup set for a target RPE, since that is the real goal of the bridge. Also, I will start judging each workset to avoid failure . This is brought up in another post: