Quick question. I consume daily at least 100-200g of nut products (alternating between peanut butter, almonds (natural or butter), walnut cream), all purchased at your typical supermarket.
Any reason to be concerned about the presence of aflatoxin in these products at this consumption level? Any issues if that were to be increased, let’s say to, 500g?
I searched the forum but couldn’t come accross any other topic where this was discussed.
I’d be more worried about the 2000+ Calories you’d be getting from that amount of dietary fat intake than a risk of alfatoxin or other contaminant. To be clear, nuts are a fine source of energy, but 2000+ Calories independent of other foods is a lot dude.
Thanks, Jordan! Just to be clear, not that I am planning on eating that anytime soon, but I was just curious as to beyong which amount it could be something that could pose a risk due aflatoxin content (thinking in the same terms of mercury in tuna for example).
But I get the impression that there should be no concerns (at least in products sold in the so-called developed countries) as long as consumption is kept at reasonable levels.