anaerobic programming and health

If one experiences more enjoyment and success at anaerobic/sprint type exercise compared to aerobic endurance exercise…
-could that performed throughout life and still have good general health outcomes?
(or is some lower intensity endurance work necessary?)

-goal of 75 minutes of vigorous per week per activity guidelines…
-could that be 75 total minutes of anaerobic intervals and sprints?
(across different modalities)

  -limited to only 3 "hard" days to align with "high-low"/"hard- easy" day programming 
    philosophy? (or like endurance 80/20 philosophy with 2-3 intensity days)

  -or could vigorous be spread over 4-6 days per week as long as fatigue is 

Thank you

Hey Kilo,

Happy New Year!

I do think some more moderate intensity work (for more volume) would be needed to maximize benefits from exercise on health. That said, you could do 75-minutes of HIIT and SIIT(sprint intensity interval training) and get a lot of benefit from it. I don’t think people should do that much sprint work generally speaking. Ideally, people should be exposed to all intensities, though not in the same proportions of course.


Happy New Year to you as well and thank you for all the BBM content over the years.

Could the 75 minutes be spread out over 4-6 days per week or would 3 days be better to have off/easy days for fatigue management?

I think they’re about the same with respect to fatigue, but probably better for health if condensed into ~ 3 sessions, as I would predict a greater response in cardiorespiratory fitness.