Animal and Plant based Protein

Me and my Wife just watched a Documentary about the Meat industry and I am really starting to think about cutting Meat from my diet.
Because even here in Germany with animal welfare labels which are mostly lies I can not be really sure about where my meat comes from etc.

So I started to read a little bit about Proteins. I read that the Body needs 20 different Amino Acids and 9 of those I have to get via my diet.
And it would be possible to get them by some plant sources such as Quinoa, Tempeh, Edamame and of course things like Legumes, Nuts and so on.
Vitamin B12 would be in nutritional yeast

Would you see any downsides of such a Diet?
A friend of mine is a hunter and I might get wild game every once in a while. I have no philosophical proplems with eating animals per se it is just the horrific way of life and treatment of the animals in conventional production.

Thanks a lot

I have no problems from health or performance perspectives with a plant-based dietary pattern. Carry on!