I have a question about the daily values in B vitamin complexes I searched online. Some background.
After listening to your podcasts on multivitamins, I stopped taking mine. A few months later, I was diagnosed with angular cheilitis after the corners of my mouth began to scab and my lymph nodes were swollen. My physician gave me some antibiotics and it cleared up. A few months later, the condition came back. This was strange because I’ve never had it before.
Some reliable medical websites suggest that b vitamin deficiency can cause this condition. I am vegan and so wondered if I was getting my B vitamins from my multivitamin. I started taking a multivitamin again and haven’t had the condition since.
After your latest podcast discussing the recent study showing a potential negative correlation between outcomes and multivitamins, I would like to take only a B vitamin supplement, but the brands I see online have super high daily values. Is that a problem? Do you have a recommendation on a brand you trust? I’ll only buy one that’s GMP certified and third party tested, but I welcome your thoughts.