For the last 16 to 20 week my lower back has hurt when squatting, deadlift and in the beginning when sitting for over 15 minutes. Now it doesn’t hurt to sit but sometimes it hurts to squat and deadlift. When this pain started i started by squat 3x5 185 and deadlifting 1x5 275 because that was the weight i could do without pain that day. This Tuesday i squat 3x5 295 and deadlift 1x5 355 pain free but today it hurt when i tried to warm up for squatting and deadlifting. This is my usually experience if my back hurts in the beginning of the training session when i squat the bar or 135 i basically can’t train squat and deadlift that day because it hurt to much to squat and deadlift that day especially if i try to go up in weight. This has been frustrating for me because i use to squat 345 for 3x5 and dl 390 1x5 everytime i think my back has healed because my training weights are going up ill have a training session like i describe earlier were i can’t squat or dl 185 without alot of pain. Just wonder what you think i should do in this situation?
Have you read our material and listened to our podcasts on pain?
Yes but i remember you saying if the pain get worst as you as warm up that is an indicator you should do another movement but for me sometime it hurts more and more as i warm up for squat and dl and sometime it doesn’t so i was wondering should i stop low bar squating and deadlifting for a while and just do pain free leg movement (belt squat, light lunges and or leg press) or should i just squat and dl when it’s pain free and do belt squat, leg press, and or do single leg exercise when it is painful to low bar squat and dl.
I would start with a movement that you can consistently do without pain, and work your way up on that for a little while, before trying to go back to the “main” lift. Switching back and forth often results in more exacerbations and makes it hard to know what’s “working”.