Barbell Medicine Seminar Testimonial

Jordan and Austin,

Thank you for putting together and presenting the Barbell Medicine Seminar in Mississauga this weekend. This was by far the all-time best seminar I have attended to date, and I have attended many seminars over the years pertaining to health and fitness, medicine, pain management and physical rehabilitation.

The material presented flowed seamlessly and the underlying themes of the seminar were maintained through all the topics discussed. I cannot recommend this seminar highly enough to health care professionals, coaches, trainers and fitness enthusiasts. Jordan and Austin are true subject matter experts. I will definitely attend future iterations of this seminar.

Also, Tom and Leah are expert coaches and their real-time feedback was very helpful in cleaning up technique errors.

Joe Ghorayeb


I second this. Everything about the seminar was excellent. It really cemented to me how ‘regular’ (i.e. not obsessed with jacking up their 1rm) folks should train, which I’m really glad for. Tom was even nice enough to use metric units. Definitely attend one if you can!

Thanks for coming, guys!

I echo this, great seminar

I concur, the seminar in Toronto was really, really good. I had run into bits and pieces of some of the information over the years, but the lectures presented it all in a clear fashion and filled in a lot of huge gaps for me. The coaching on the lifts was pretty helpful as well. I’ve already been able to apply some of the pain science stuff this week to good effect, and hopefully can interest friends and co-workers in it a bit, the next time they “tweak” their back and want to be immobile for a week.

Thank you!