Jordon, I’ve seen your 35g/day fiber recommendation. Can I ask what is the main basis and/or objective for having this goal? For example, is it purely based on RDA? Are you looking for better gut health/bowel transit? Is it a side metric to encourage fibrous vegatable intake?
I think this is the one thing I’ve not heard you speak on extensively in any of your online resourses or podcasts. Thanks!
Thanks for the response. This seems like a rather difficult goal to achieve, especially if one is not eating for weight gain. Recomp and fat-loss macros restrict carbs such that I’m wondering how I could get that much fiber in a day. Is this something that can be addressed like protein, where some supplementation here or there is worthwhile?
For sure, but Jordan’s point is that for most, especially with the macros of men, you can get plenty of fiber from whole grains, fibrous veggies, and fruit.