Been under eating. Continue with NLP or move on?

Fellas, I’ve been doing the SS NLP for the last 4 months. After moving to follow you I actually did the math and realize I have only been getting 100-120g of protein in my diet. I’m guessing this is why I’ve only gained about 12 pounds (no increase in waist). My question is if I start upping my protein can I still get gains that I “left behind” in my NLP or do I move on to new programming like “the bridge”? 39, Male, 6’4”, 200#, squat 240 5x3, bench, 155 5x3, deadlift 260 5x1. Thanks for your time and all you do!


Thanks for the post and for joining the forum. A few things here:

  1. We would not recommend NLP for anyone if given a choice of programming, as there are a number of shortcomings in it. Nevertheless, what you do in your first 3-6 months of training is ultimately irrelevant provided exercise becomes a part of your lifestyle.
  2. Increases in strength performance are likely to continue provided you are on the correct program. I don’t think there’s much left for you on LP, regardless of how much weight you gain.
  3. You probably need somewhere in the 140-180g of protein range depending on personal preference. I’m not even sure if your previous protein intake was really holding you back to be honest.


Thanks for the response Jordan. As far as the “correct program”, would The Bridge be right for me? If not, your recommendation?
Thanks again. I appreciate your knowledge and passion in what you guys do.

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution.” - Foster

Yea I think The Bridge would be a fine place to go to get you ready for your next move :slight_smile:

Appreciate the kind words.