Beginner RPE Question

Yesterday I did a workout that included bench 1x10 @ RPE 6,7 and 2x10 @ RPE 8 at 190 lbs. (e1RM is 280) Warm up sets felt fine. First working set was fine. Second tougher but I felt like I could have done three more so RPE 7 seemed right. Third set ended up being 7 reps @ RPE 10. So I checked my chart and adjusted my last set to 140 lbs based on the previous set. Did 1x10 @ what felt like RPE 8 at that weight.

My question is about my next bench set on Friday. Do I do my working sets using e1RM 280, which is where I started the week, or adjust based on the most recent set I did yesterday and use an e1RM of 206?

I think the answer is: neither; your next session weights aren’t really tied to previous weights. You should be highly-focused on how you feel during your warmup to start to gauge what you’re going to lift that day. This allows you to have some days, when you’re feeling good and strong to actually lift more than you may have planned. It also means you to lift less if other factors are in play that mean Your @7 may be 120 on the day. It happens. The chart isn’t a prescription, it’s a rough guide to help you get started.