Beginner Temp vs LP Pt.2

Hey doc, Happy Holidays! A few weeks ago you had talked about the Beginner Program vs a LP and since then things have been great. Been able to add 5lbs 3 times a week to my Squat, and 5lbs 2x on the Pull. Way better than the LP where I’d had to rest 5+ minutes and had to eat a lot, becoming uncomfortable with my Body Composition.

Little back story, By the end of August I had finished 4Day Hyper and had quit in the middle of 12WK STR due lack of results.

The thing is, while the progress is going well for the Squat and Pull, a lot more volume is needed. Since I quit BBM high volume programming, took a month off, tried the LP, and switch to the Beginner Program, I feel very very deflated especially in my upper body. My clothing feels a lot looser, in the bad way. Recently my neighbor knocked on my door and when I answered it, she said “What’s up Slinky! Been a while!”

Although I’m hitting the prescribed RPE on the Beginner Temp, it feels a bit easy and i’m craving more volume. I don’t want to hop in to the 4Day hyper nor 12WK STR, because of current rate of growth in terms of numbers.

What are you recommendations? I was thinking about adding more sets, and start doing high volume dips, chin ups, and arm work because I’m never satisfied with my upper body. But I don’t want the added upper body to impact my OHP, which I care more about the Flat Bench.

Currently Running Week 4 until there’s no more progress.

Thanks doc,


I would just keep doing the Beginner Template, as I don’t think you need more volume to grow at this point. It is also extremely unlikely you lost a significant amount of muscle mass when not training for a month and the little bit you did, should be regained quickly.

When phase I stops working, switch to phase II and for the love of God, please don’t run LP ever again.


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Sir Yes Sir! Won’t run a LP again.

If someone is OHP oriented, should they swap the Flat Bench to the Incline Close Grip?

Also, In terms of maximum arm growth, (having 80’ arm span) can using Fat Grips for the Close Grip and Accessory Pulls help stress the arms more?

I don’t think it’s advisable for a newer trainee to be anything-oriented, e.g. specializing in a particular lift.

I don’t think that anything you can do in training will affect your arm span.


My apologies, but arm growth in terms of bicep, triceps and shoulder growth. The emphasis on the 80’ arm span was to show that there is a lot of area to fill out.

I don’t think fat grips or will help arm development either, save for maybe forearms, but even then…