Yet another "which template" question

Hi to the entire BBM community! I have been a fan of Drs. Feigenbaum and Baraki as well Ms. Lutz since you were all part of another community… Anyway, after a layoff of a little over a year in which I got really fat and out of shape, I’m back at it in my home gym (barbell, rack, adjustable bench). I have doing SSLP for about 7 weeks. I’ll be running out of gas in the next few weeks and wondered which of your programs you would recommend next.

Male, 40 y.o.
220 lbs

Most recent lifts:
squat: 320 x 5 x 3
bench: 220 x 3 x 5
press: 150 x 3 x 5
dead: 360 x 5

Best lifts (2018)
squat: 455 x 1
bench: 285 x 1
press: 187.5 x 1
dead: 500 x 1

I have been losing about 2 lbs/wk and would like to continue that until I reach 200 and then reevaluate. I’m not training for any events, just trying to get some strength back and drop some body fat. In the longer term, I’d like to get my bench over 300, press over 200, and add some muscle mass, but I’m too fat to worry about that right now.

My thought was to start at Phase 2 of the beginner program as you’ve recommended to some others. Does that seem like a good option, or would one of the GPP programs be more effective?

Hey Eric,

Thanks for the post and I hope you’re doing well. I would indeed recommend doing the beginner template from the 2nd phase on. After that, I would do the powerbuilding template if your goals are still similar.

Let us know how it goes!


Quick post to thank you for the recommendation. I started the Beginner program Phase 2 last week and the changes from SSLP have made my weak points very clear. In particular, the higher-sets have brought my lack of endurance into relief, and the paused deadlifts and lunges have demonstrated how weak my glutes are.

I’m not sure if improving in these areas will increase my main lifts right away, but I definitely see improved endurance and greater all-around development as a positive in both the short- and long-term. Thanks again!