Help choosing template

Hello, 43 year old male here, have been training for 3 months consistently (and a couple of good stints over the past few years prior to that), following SSNLP. I’m at around 225 squat, 265 DL, 145 bench, 105 OHP, all for sets of fahve. Things were going OK, and then I realized that completely disregarding cardio is a long-term mistake. As I started working more cardio in, the LP kind of finished hitting the wall. I feel fine, but continuing to just stack 5lbs on every time stopped working. In the past couple of days I’ve listened to your podcasts about progressive overload and the thinking makes a ton of sense, so I’m ready to jump in and try some of your programming, but I’m not sure exactly what just yet.

I’m kind of average everywhere, a proper VO2 max came in almost exactly average for my age at 36.7 and DEXA shows 22.8% body fat. I want to improve all of that though, along with my strength, to well better than just average, for general long-term health and capability. This seems to mean that I need to more or less equally improve conditioning, strength, and muscle mass over the long haul.

I have a good home setup (barbells+rack+fixed bench, adjustable dumbbells, bike, elliptical) and time and motivation to work. So where should I go next? I’ve been looking at Powerbuilding 1? General Strength and Conditioning? Endurance I? Jump in somewhere in the middle of the beginner template? Something else?



Thanks for the post. I would favor either Powerbuilding I or General S/C I pending your preferences to have more strength and hypertrophy work (Powerbuilding) or a bit more conditioning (General S/C). Either would work, but that’s how I’d go about making this decision.


OK great, thanks Jordan. More muscle of course sounds good, so I’ll start with Powerbuilding I.

Thanks for all the great content you guys put out there.


Thank you! Let us know how it goes.

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First week done. I work out at home so day of week is kind of irrelevant to me. If I like the regularity of every other day as opposed to taking a 2 day “weekend” at the end of each week of the program, do you think that’s OK? Or do you think the double rest day should be specifically maintained? Thanks.