You previusly suggested me to run the begginer template because I was having some aches and pains with more advanced templates (Powerbuilding II).
I just finished the 5th week of the begginer template (ran it for 4 months.
I didn’t have any symptoms in my low back, nor my upper chest during the template, and now I’m comfortable doing singles.
Here’s how my lifts went (e1rm in KG)
Squat 95.5 - 107.5
Bench 107.5 (Didn´t make any bench progress)
Deadlift 120 - 137.5
73 KG BW
31’’ Waist
Do you think the low ISF template 3 day is apropiate for me right now? (If I’m not ready I think I’m gonna do Powerbuilding I)
If you’ve been at this for less than a year or two, I’d recommend doing Powerbuilding I for sure. I really like the low fatigue template and how it came out, but I think some people may be using it a bit prematurely.
I didn’t say that I think the low fatigue template is better-suited for “more advanced” trainees, as I don’t really use novice, intermediate, advanced to describe people’s training history. I do think that people who are newer to training are unlikely to tolerate the volume in the low fatigue template in addition to getting more out of closer proximity to failure training, more gradual development of work capacity, etc.
I think PB II or Strength II would be fine for what you’re trying to do.
Just a quick follow-up to focus my question a bit better. It was a little muddled. Do you believe that the demands imposed by the “II” level templates (PB II, PL II, et cetera) would sufficiently prepare a trainee for the demands imposed by the Low Fatigue Bundle? Let’s assume this hypothetical trainee has run the beginner template, PBI, PBII thus far. Thanks, Jordan!
Yes, but you likely don’t need to run the Low Fatigue Template until a few years into their training career. Rather, they should’ve ran PB I and/or II (in this situation) a few times if they were responding well and enjoyed the template. If not, they should switch to another one prior to the low fatigue template.