Hello doctors! First of all, thank you for the fantastic content you guys produce. I have been running the beginner template for 8 months now and have seen amazing progress even while on a significant caloric deficit. I lost 18 kilos since starting last august, and although my weight loss journey is still ongoing (looking to lose another 33 kilos), the strength gains and overall health outcomes have convinced me that this is something I want to keep doing for years to come.
This post is not about me, however, as my girlfriend has noticed my training progress and she told me she is interested in starting her BBM journey. I was hoping to get some advice from you guys on which template would suit her best, the beginner one, or the Low fatigue template.
Although the obvious answer would seem to be the beginner template, she recalled during my conversations with her that I bought the Low Fatigue Template (which I haven’t run yet). She was interested in that one as she is worried about fatigue impacting her too much (she deals with a lot of stress and anxiety). Would you guys recommend her to run the 3-day Low Intra Set template? or is the beginner templates still the go-to option for a beginner even if fatigue is a concern?
She doesn’t have too much experience with lifting, but she did starting strength for about a month about 3 years ago.
Thank you guys for everything. You have made an amazing impact on me.
P.S: For those curious about how much an obese guy running the beginner template can achieve in 8 months while on a cut, my estimated one max reps in the main lifts went up from the empty barbell to Squat: 130 KG, Bench: 87.5 KG, Deadlift 145 KG. Starting Bodyweight 132 KG, current Bodyweight 118 KG.