Low fatigue template recommendation

Super excited for the new BBM templates, and I am wondering if you would recommend the low fatigue template over the strength 1 template for my specific circumstance.

M, 33yo, 6’, 178lbs, 35” waist, have lost 40 lbs and 8 inches of waist over the last 6 months, remaining in calorie deficit for the time being. Interested primarily in increasing strength in the barbell lifts. Have done beginner template, powerbuilding template, and currently on week 7 of strength 1 running without chains (waiting for delivery). Plan is to run strength 1 again with chains.

My job requires a lot of walking, about 40 miles per week, as well as some lifting and pushing. I am also the parent of a 16 month old, which can be exhausting by itself! I am wondering if I would see better results with a lower fatigue template, but am having difficulty thinking about if that would be the case.

Any guidance would be really appreciated
thanks for your time,

I think it could be a viable option, though I can’t say for certain it would be better than Strength I. I do think the programming info is valuable, but I am biased of course.

Well I might be biased too, but I haven’t even seen the programming info and I think it’s valuable

Well I might be biased too, but I haven’t even seen the programming info and I think it’s valuable lol