Finishing Beginner Template, what next?

In block 3 of the beginner template, and likely only a few weeks left. Really happy with my progress, and loved the template. Was a great return to the gym after a year or so off. Started end of October. My stats. Down from 179 pounds to 169 pounds. 5’9", 36 year old male, and 34 inch waist. ERM from 1@8’ … Bench 205 to 210 pounds; Squat 335 to 340 pounds: Deadlift 380 to 390 pounds.

Looking for my next template to purchase/run once I finish the beginner template, and trying to decide between Strength 1, Powerbuilding 1, and Hypertrophy 1. I would imagine all three would be fine, but would really appreciate a recommendation as to which one is preferred in my situation.


My favorite is Powerbuilding I, especially if your goals are pretty much evenly split between muscle size and muscle strength. If you’re looking for something a bit different that’s less focused on strength in the big 3, you can consider General S/C I. It is more strength and conditioning focused, but the strength portions are more variable compared to Powerbuilding that’s SBD-heavy.

Thanks Jordan, looking forward to completing PB1 once I wrap up the beginner template.