Beginner template Press oriented

I eventually want to run the strength lifting template. I can bench and my gym there is one rack where the holes line up perfectly to take out my back arch and rest the bar on the pins if needed but still touch the pins. I just prefer the overhead press. I am running beginner for a bit after taking some time off and also due to needing to drop from about 30% body fat to 20%. Eventually I want to go to a strengthlifting meet. That is a bit down the road though.

I am not sure if it make a whole lot of difference when I get to the strength lifting template but I was thinking if I wanted to focus on the press then exercise selection might look this; 1. vertical movement being the overhead press,
2. horizontal being incline,
3. and third movement being dumbbell overhead or the unlisted pin press (maybe close grip bench). If I want to focus on the press should I switch the horizontal press and vertical press so the press is the main movement with lower reps and higher intensity and the horizontal press being the higher rep lower intensity movement? The template seems to favor the horizontal press as the main movement with it having lower reps and higher intensity as opposed to the vertical press movement. I may just be overthinking this and it might not matter a whole lot a couple of templates down the road.


We would not recommend focusing on any particular lift for a beginner, as that is unlikely to produce positive outcomes. We’d intentionally select more exercise variation for the time being :slight_smile:
