Beginner Template Questions


I just bought and read through the beginner template a few days ago and had a few questions:

  1. Do I need to warm up for just the first compound exercise for each workout or for all of the compound exercises? Additionally, is there any point in warming up for GPP elements such as arm work?

  2. How long should I be resting for between warm up sets?

  3. As for the session duration, do I need to include the time warming up and the rest time between warm up sets?

Apologies for the abundance of questions but any input would be greatly appreciated.



  1. We would recommend warming up for all exercises if you’re not prepared to do them, e.g. “not warm.” That said, some of the warm up can be cut down if you’re doing similar movements back to back.
  2. It’s mostly personal preference, but 1-3 minutes is a good rule of thumb.
  3. Yes.
