Beginner template splitting exercises?

Hi guys, wonder if it’s alright to split exercises in such a way that I spend at most 1 hour in the gym. I’m currently on week 8 of the program and I want to do this:

Monday: day 1 exercise 1 + day 1 exercise 2
Tuesday: day 1 exercise 3 + gpp
Wednesday: day 2 exercise 1 + day 2 exercise 2
Thursday: day 2 exercise 3 + gpp
Friday: day 3 exercise 1 + day 3 exercise 2 + day 3 exercise 3 (understand that this day is probably going to be longer than 1 hour, and I’m fine with that)

Will this be detrimental to the progress? I’m currently making pretty good progress on all my lifts, especially on squats and deadlifts.

If this works better for your schedule, that’s fine by me. I can’t say if it will work better or worse than how it’s originally scheduled, but I think it’s likely to be about the same.

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