I have a 4” Inzer belt which I love for squats but struggle with for Deadlifts. Difficult to explain why but the belt feels like it impedes my starting position and actually prevents me from bracing with proper extension.
Therefore, I’m considering investing in a 3” model for deadlifts.
Is this common amongst lifters? Should I persevere with the 4” model. Carrying 2 belts seems excessive!
Yea I’ve never coached someone who needed to use a 3" belt across the thousands of folks I’ve worked with.
I can’t speak to your start position or brace, so if you have a video maybe that would help me understand better!
Thanks, Jordan. I’ll try and video my next Deadlifts.
On reflection, perhaps its related to tightness or positioning. Do trainees typically use the same level of tightness when deadlifting compared to their squat?
Yep, pretty much. The belt itself is angled down more in the front, but not a huge difference.
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