My wife is about to start the starting strength LP program and has a serious concern with her implants (placed under the muscle) being displaced from heavy bench pressing over a period of time.
Could you please advise all women who may have breast implants about this matter? Is there any variation workout that can be done for the bench press in a situation like this, particularly for the LP program?
Not doing the program all together is not an option for her, but she wants it to be as complete as possible without risking her augmented breast to permanent distortion as this was not a cheap procedure.
She initially had her implants above the muscle where muscle contraction risking distortion was a non issue, but due to complications, had a revision to under the muscle and does not want to risk a third surgery.
Has anyone had any experience with women in the Powerlifting field that have implants (under muscle) and how they approach bench pressing?
Thank you so much for the opportunity to post here.
This would make a good article, certainly. Thanks for the idea.
That said, I see no reason to avoid strength training (to include the bench press, press, chins, rows, etc.) after augmentation, as there is no data to suggest increased risk of post operative complications with this sort of activity level.
There are many females (maybe males too?) at meets s/p breast augmentation who do just fine.
Her Main concern was from people on This is basically a breast augmentation community of people all over the world who share their breast augmentation experiences, Many of which claim to be lifters or know lifters who have had adverse effects such as permanent shifting of their implants due to heavy benching in the case that the implant is squeezed, eventually permanently out of a natural appearing position from heavy pressing movements when the implants are placed under the muscle.
Being that you are from a community where the lifting doesn’t get much heavier than power lifting, we figured you may know a female athlete or two that has them (either above, under the pec muscle, or possibly placed in both positions at one point or another) and could provide their personal 2 cents. They are a little scarce in our neck of the woods.
I believe Marissa Inda world champion PL’r has a whole video on her YouTube channel regarding lifting and her implants. Would be a great resource for her