Hello! I recently purchased and started using the recently updated Knee Rehab Template to help myself recover from a hamstring injury. I love how the training is set up, but I have a question.
In the Exercise Selection for Phase II, there are a few tabs with exercises that don’t actually show up in any training week of the template. i.e the exercises marked as ‘Day 2 Supplemental Squat’ and ‘Day 3 Supplemental Squat’.
Are those exercises actually part of the intended training but weren’t added to the weekly tabs/overview out of an oversight? Hope to hear from you guys soon!
The Day 2 and 3 supplemental squats are the 4th exercises on Days 2 and 3, respectively. You might need to re-download the template for the latest version.
Oh wow, you’re right, seems like you guys updated it to the 2.1 version right after I downloaded it last week, funny coincidence.
That being said, now the exercise that seems to be left out of the weekly tabs is the “Accessory Deadlift” one, so I guess that’s still a ‘bug’?.
Little kinks of the spreadsheets aside, thanks for all the awesome content on pain and rehab.
Yea we aren’t using that at the moment, but may swap out one of the squat slots with it in the future. Didn’t make sense to eliminate it just yet IMO, as the overview and weekly tabs are correct.