Hi Jordan,
I’m 29, been training for ~9 years, and hover around 174lbs @ 5’10.5" (30 in waist, 12-14% bf?)
I’ve been at this bw for almost 4 years, and have slowly gotten leaner while gaining muscle and strength. Followed Powerlifting II and hit numbers that I’m super happy with (405 squat, 325 bench, 545 deadlift).
I want to bulk up and gain size. If I commit to a slow steady bulk (20-25 lbs) while training hard, with the idea of cutting back down to the same leanness later, can I expect to have some gains at the end of the bulk-cut cycle?
I’m asking cause there’s too many gurus that are of the opinion that bulking/cutting is useless, and that you’ll end up in the same spot where you started.
Thanks for all the free info