Bulking Question

Hi Jordan,

I’m 29, been training for ~9 years, and hover around 174lbs @ 5’10.5" (30 in waist, 12-14% bf?)

I’ve been at this bw for almost 4 years, and have slowly gotten leaner while gaining muscle and strength. Followed Powerlifting II and hit numbers that I’m super happy with (405 squat, 325 bench, 545 deadlift).

I want to bulk up and gain size. If I commit to a slow steady bulk (20-25 lbs) while training hard, with the idea of cutting back down to the same leanness later, can I expect to have some gains at the end of the bulk-cut cycle?

I’m asking cause there’s too many gurus that are of the opinion that bulking/cutting is useless, and that you’ll end up in the same spot where you started.

Thanks for all the free info


Absolutely. I also don’t know how much you’ll have to cut if you do it right, but that’s pretty individualized. This is a ~ 2 year journey likely, but you have to start some time so…

There are definitely ways to screw this up, but if the alternative option is to just try and “maintenance” your way into gainzZz, I don’t think that’s likely to produce as much muscle gain in a year than a slight surplus, constantly adjusted as needed.