I always have a sore low-back, legs and hips since I got into the third month of SS NLP. I can increase the weights almost every session but then again I have mild pain in all over my lower body everyday. I made sure that the back pain wasn’t caused by a spinal abnormality after a CT scan, and MRI, several appointments with a brain surgeon and an orthopedist, and a very helpful conversation with Dr. austin Baraki.
So I suspect that my recovery is not optimal. Don’t know if it’s dude to me not getting enough calories in (I take around 3000 daily), or protein (around 150 grams a day), or not enough sleep (don’t keep track of that, really), or low levels of testosterone (don’t think so, since my sex drive is fine).
The solution I came up with was splitting the SS into two days like this:
A: Squats 3x5, Overhead Presses: 3x5
B: Deadlifts 1x5, Bench Presses: 3x5
It also seemed like this way I could add in some accessory exercises like dumbbell lateral raises, calf raises and face-pulls to day A and lat-pulldowns, incline presses etc. to day B.
Is it a good idea?