Can we split a full-body strength training program into 2 days if recovery is poor?

I always have a sore low-back, legs and hips since I got into the third month of SS NLP. I can increase the weights almost every session but then again I have mild pain in all over my lower body everyday. I made sure that the back pain wasn’t caused by a spinal abnormality after a CT scan, and MRI, several appointments with a brain surgeon and an orthopedist, and a very helpful conversation with Dr. austin Baraki.

So I suspect that my recovery is not optimal. Don’t know if it’s dude to me not getting enough calories in (I take around 3000 daily), or protein (around 150 grams a day), or not enough sleep (don’t keep track of that, really), or low levels of testosterone (don’t think so, since my sex drive is fine).

The solution I came up with was splitting the SS into two days like this:

A: Squats 3x5, Overhead Presses: 3x5
B: Deadlifts 1x5, Bench Presses: 3x5

It also seemed like this way I could add in some accessory exercises like dumbbell lateral raises, calf raises and face-pulls to day A and lat-pulldowns, incline presses etc. to day B.
Is it a good idea?

Hi Gorkem,
Glad to hear you’re getting some solid info and reassurance. We’d recommend that you move onto programming like the Bridge 1.0 (on our site and with an e-book). That programming, learning RPE, and gaining more perspective on auto-regulating your training for more long-term success will serve you quite well.