Case Study

Hi All,

I would appreciate any advice that would help advance my woeful training career.

Me: 37, 6’1", 200 pounds. 19-20% BF per Navy calculator. 35-36" at navel. I don’t track calories and/or macros religiously, but probably average around 3000-3500cal per day.

Notes: Started running LP on Feb 20th, 2017. Squat-115/Press-80/Dead-205. BW was probably around 180-185.

From there on my training has been assuredly sub-optimal, unfortunately. The longest stretch of solid 3x per week training I’ve put together is probably 1-1.5 months.

My log says I squatted 250, pressed 120, and deadlifted 290 for reps back in September. Seemed to hit a wall and have essentially regressed since then. I did not train at all for all of December.

Current numbers are squat-225/press-115/dead-250. I know my squat has form issues and I hope to get those sorted out asap.

For a guy with 18" legs, my squat is embarrassing…at least in that regard they match the rest of my lifts!

I trust I’m leaving a lot of novice gainzzz on the table still? Apologies in advance for my limited mental and physical capacity.

If you have form issues and do not train consistently, yes, you will not make as much progress as you otherwise would.

With that said, I can tell from what you write that

  1. You probably overestimate how far people tend to make it on the Novice LP, and

  2. You sound like someone who is constantly beating themselves up with negativity. Cut that out and figure out how to improve your situation.

The most important thing for you, above all else, is going to be consistency. Show up to the gym 3x per week.

Hi Austin,

Thanks for chiming in. I know this is the type of thing you get asked about ad nauseam–appreciate you taking the time even if it’s to tell me something I already know.

I was mostly trying to be self-deprecating, but your comments here are very perceptive, generally speaking. Funny what you can sometimes glean from so little.

Thanks again.