Hi All,
I would appreciate any advice that would help advance my woeful training career.
Me: 37, 6’1", 200 pounds. 19-20% BF per Navy calculator. 35-36" at navel. I don’t track calories and/or macros religiously, but probably average around 3000-3500cal per day.
Notes: Started running LP on Feb 20th, 2017. Squat-115/Press-80/Dead-205. BW was probably around 180-185.
From there on my training has been assuredly sub-optimal, unfortunately. The longest stretch of solid 3x per week training I’ve put together is probably 1-1.5 months.
My log says I squatted 250, pressed 120, and deadlifted 290 for reps back in September. Seemed to hit a wall and have essentially regressed since then. I did not train at all for all of December.
Current numbers are squat-225/press-115/dead-250. I know my squat has form issues and I hope to get those sorted out asap.
For a guy with 18" legs, my squat is embarrassing…at least in that regard they match the rest of my lifts!
I trust I’m leaving a lot of novice gainzzz on the table still? Apologies in advance for my limited mental and physical capacity.