Combining Rehab Templates

Greetings docs. I’m currently in the middle of week 4 of the shoulder rehab template aiming to fix some nagging pain from old injuries. It’s probably too early to tell if it’s working, but I’m optimistic based on symptom patterns.

Now that I’m looking at how the program will be changing in about 3 weeks, it got me wondering: Can I take the lower body work from the hip rehab template and bolt it onto the the shoulder rehab in phase 2?

I’ve had nagging pain in both hips for years now, I think going way back to when I tried taking up running a decade ago, that tends to manifest itself as pain on the lateral aspect of the mid-thigh. Almost like the IT band isn’t moving well with the other tissues in that area, but without the typical ITBS symptoms at the knee.

I would rather not wait until I’m done the shoulder rehab before I start on the hips, if it is possible to fix both problems at the same time.


Yes, this would be fine.

One note re: exercise selection. All of our rehab templates have some thought put into exercise options for unaffected body parts in an effort to reduce pain. For example, we typically would not recommend continuing the low bar back squat for someone with an active shoulder injury , or a push press for someone with an active knee injury.

All of this is to say, you can combine the templates, just be cautious about exercise selection.


Okay, thanks Jordan, I will keep that in mind.

On a related note, would it be a good idea to keep some of the rehab exercises as GPP work once or twice a week once regular training can be resumed?

Many of our “rehab” exercises are regular exercises, which would be fine to include in a training program. For example, lying hamstring curls on a machine are an exercise I do regularly in my own training, though they also pop up in some of our rehab templates. Those would be fine, whereas posterior medial taps probably should be relegated to rehab only.


Ha, I had to look on youtube to see what a posterior medial tap is. I can see why it wouldn’t be useful outside of a rehab context.

I was specifically thinking of external rotations, and maybe high rep front raises too.

Having discovered that they are awesome, I plan on rotating landmine presses in regularly.