Conditioning during Rest Days (NLP)

Back with another question (and thanks again for all the responses regarding cleans/chin-ups)

Looking for direction regarding conditioning during Tue/Thu rest days during the NLP.

I am currently in Week 3 and trying to get strong (while losing some weight). I am currently 240 (71”) and would love to get down to at least 220. I know that will affect my strength progression, but I think once I get to a better weight/BF%/waist, I can focus on getting strong.

The questions: 1) is conditioning 2 times a week too much? 2) what would be the optimal conditioning method, if needed (I am pretty agile for my size and have access to many cardio implements).

added info- I have been swimming on rest days, but during an IG Live, Jordan advised against it. Also, I take my dog on 2 30 min walks a day.

Thanks again

  1. If your waist is over 40" or your psychological body comp concerns are severe enough to affect your diet/training adherence, then adding conditioning is appropriate. I would download the bridge and incorporate GPP the same way it is done there. Begin 1x/week LISS and later add in a second session of HIIT.

  2. BBM says swimming is a no-no for conditioning unless you are training to compete in swimming. Rower or Assault/Airdyne bike is the standard conditioning modality recommendation. I have posted this a few times already, but the Schwinn AD2 bike is working very nicely for me.

Thanks for the reply
right now my waist is 42”, so I would like to bring that down.

Sounds like slow/steady is the way to go at first, 1 day a week. I looked at the bridge, does it recommend like 25 minutes?

Yep. 25 for a couple weeks, then bump it up to 30, then add a second day with some HIIT intervals, then a few more intervals.

On week 8 (the final week), the prescription is 1x/week 30 mins LISS plus 1x/week 5 mins warmup then sprint 20s every 2 mins for 16 mins.