First, thanks for all of the valuable information that you all put out! I have a questions regarding consolidating stressor which kind of goes hand in hand with the high/low method as popularized by Charlie Francis.
For context, I ride mountain bikes (would probably be categorized as, "freeride") 6 days per week, as well as train off of the bike 6 days per week. I follow a high/low approach where Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are high days. These days, my AM off bike session is mostly lower body, and the PM session is a more higher stress ride. The day following is a mostly upper body AM session with an easier ride in the PM. This way the stressors are consolidated and, theoretically, allows for the higher days to be of higher quality. It's been somewhat hard to tell if this is actually the case. My alternative approach would be to structure the stress more evenly across the week, and just gradually ramp up as I can tolerate until I am somewhere that I feel progress is sufficient. I do follow a seasonal approach as well where the priority shifts between riding and off bike training.
My question- for someone participating in sport and off sport training, would you prefer to distribute the stress across the week more evenly or follow an approach that looks more like a high/low approach? Would you mind expanding on why?