Is there a realistic way to determine if you are a “non-responder”?
I have tried every kind of creatine from bulk stuff to creatine that was filtered through grass fed virgins and it makes my stomach hurt. The only thing I ever could tolerate was this krealkylyn stuff. I am pretty sure you said it was BS to take other kinds of creatine. Is it not bothering me perhaps because it ISN’T really creatine?
Hi, Jordan. I have a question about creatine non-responders. I’ve been taking creatine for years, but I suspect I could be a non responder (lower cross-sectional muscle and type 2 fibers). suggests people who suspect they could be non-responders take 10 grams a day. Is there any truth to this? And is creatine even worth taking if I suspect I’m a non responder?
Hi im new to this I’ve been using creatine for about 2 months and have noticed my right side is quite abit larger than my left can anone please shed some light as the lop sidedness isn’t a great look many thanks in advance