Two Questions on Creatine

I used to supplement with creatine, but stopped a while ago because I kept forgetting to take it. Now I’m thinking about starting again and had a couple questions:

  1. Does supplementing creatine improve strength and hypertrophy gains over the long term more than training without supplementing it? In other words, does creatine just increase performance or does it also increase the rate of improving performance?

  2. How much weight would you expect a person to gain after beginning to supplement creatine (assuming they are not undertrained and are eating “maintenance” calories)? I’ve been trying to lose a significant amount of body fat and I’d like to have a ballpark idea of what the scale will do if I start on creatine again (27 year-old male, 5’11", 255lbs).


  1. A 66% chance of yes.

  2. No estimate here available, but it shouldn’t hinder your weight loss.

I’ll play those odds. Thanks for the response!

Hi Jordan

Do you recommend using Creatine everyday even if only training 3 days a week? I currently only take it on training days. Not sure if this is poor use of it.

Thank you

I would use it everyday.

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