Cut or Recomp

Im 38 6’4 214lbs 25% BF 38" waist. My BF # I am getting from a scale which I know isn’t 100% accurate. But I had a dexafit body scan done (probably also not 100%) and got the same number when they both said 27% back in September. I’ve been following the multipliers to TBAB for recomp since August 26th 2018 when I was reading at 233 lbs, 27% BF and I believe about 40" waist. I chose recomp because of the Fluffy case study in TBAB seemed to fit for me. I wanted to lose BF while maintaining as much strength as possible. I ultimately want to get my waist further down so when I started looking for gains again that I won’t quickly get back to a 40" + waist. I’ve also been doing the carb cycling also suggested in the Fluffy case study.

My current macro goals are Mon, Fri P/245, C/257. F/82…Wed P/260, C/182, F/62, Tue, Th, Sat, Sun P/253, C/182, F/62… these are also after decreasing carbs and fat the 15 & 5 a couple of times when weight loss stalled.

My current programming experience is Stronglifts 5 x 5, Bridge 1.0, currently on Bridge 3.0 week 5. My next step was to do 3 Day GPP Hypertropy, then back to Bridge 3 again or 12 week strength depending where I am at body comp wise by end of GPP/Hyper.

I thought I would have seen more than a 2% BF decrease since August. I guess what my question boils down to is: Do you feel recomp is the best choice for me or should I be focusing on weight loss only?

I would lose a little more body fat yes, which I would do via a “recomp” :slight_smile: