To Be A Beast

Finishing up a 7 week hypertrophy followed by the 12 Week Strength. Made some significant gains in all 3 main lifts (especially bench), muscle size, and waist… I’m at 39.5 inches this morning. I want to run the 7 week GPP for fat loss next, then repeat the cycle. My question is- should I use the fat loss formulas from TBAB or the recomp? I’m afraid the near 1000 calorie deficit in the fat loss will destroy much of my gains, but I’d also like to get my waist down as quickly as possible, hence the pondering of using the recomp. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I probably wouldn’t start with a 1000kCal/day deficit right off the bat unless I needed to/wanted to lose weight in a hurry. If you know your current intake with any accuracy, you can lower the calorie intake by ~500 and see how you do with that.

Perfect, thanks Jordan!