Cycling the GPP Upper Back Work

Hello Doctors, Coaches and fellow lifters.

I am currently on the Powerbuilding II template and absolutely loving it, so thank you for providing it.

My question is about whether or not it would be a good idea to cycle the upper back work between intense and less intense variations. Like “intense” would be barbell row, pendlay row and pull-ups and the like. Whereas “less intense variation” would be cable row, lat pull-down and chest supported db rows.

And if would be a good idea how should they be cycled so that they wouldn’t intervene with main lifts. I would imagine that when things get heavy like the last phase powerbuilding II template then the less intense variations are appropriate?

Sorry about my english, not a native speaker.

It doesn’t really matter outside of personal preference. If you stick to the recommended programming, you probably won’t see much interference, if any. That said, we would recommend not taking the sets to failure during GPP.

Alright, fair enough. Thank you for taking the time Dr. Feigenbaum.

Piggy backing on this a bit for “7 minutes AMRAP x 2 a week” is that the same exercise on the 2 different days, different or, TWOUD? It never occurred to me that it would be the same, right now oscillating between pendlay rows Wed and DB rows Fri (same question for bis-tris x 2 a week) on STR template.

In general, I would opt for more variety than less, but I don’t think it really matters.