Cystatin C

Hello I’m new to this forum and I wondering if I can ask this kind of question in this section.
I’m a 35 y.o. male who trains 3 times a week lifting weights and doing cardio for 120’ per week. I weight 82kg for 1,77m. (180lb for 5,8ft)
I rarely drink and I don’t smoke

Creatinine was 1.39 and eGFR was 66 in 2022
Creatine is 1.36 and eGFR is 66 in 2024

My body composition is basically still the same, I read that those values are pretty normal for someone who trains.
Urine tests were perfect both times.
Out of curiosity last week I took a Cystatin C test and the result showed 1,09 mg/L with normal ranges between 0.56 - 0.95.

I read online that 1.15 or 1.2 could be considered normal. Should I be worried? Would you recommend a visit to the nephrologist?

Thank you for your time

I would not be concerned about this.