In all of your literature you recommend that adult males intake approximately 1.1-1.25g protein/lb of body weight. You also state that in order to illicit MPS 3-4 g of leucine must be consumed which is around 30g of protein on average for animal based protein sources. Daily optimization of MPS activation requires a periodization of 3-5 hours. Assuming we sleep 8 hours per day that allows 16 hours to meet these requirements. Assuming minimum values and eating every 3 hours for MPS an individual would consume 160g protein. Eating every 5 hours is only 96g. If I am 225# that leaves a large discrepancy between your recommended macro intake versus requirements for MPS. If I am not mistaken the excess protein is then converted to fat or glycogen.
So why do you recommend so many grams of protein per day? If the excess is being stored in the body as glycogen wouldn’t carbohydrates be a better macronutrient to metabolize for glycogen stores? Carbs are also significantly cheaper $/Kcal than protein sources (ie. white rice vice steak)
I am 225lb at ~20-25% BF looking to lean out for strongman competition in the 200lb class. You recommend 2900/259/281/79 (kcal/P/C/F) I cycle carbs but currently average 2900/180/330/79 meal times are 7/11/3/8