I am doing the SSLP and have been adding 10# a session to my deadlift for a few weeks.
Over the last week my grip has been getting suspect…
So I found Jordan’s article on grip and decided the best option was to switch from double overhand grip to hook.
Well in today’s training session I forgot to use the hook all the way through my work set. @275# my grip failed on rep 3. I rested 5 seconds or so, remembered the hook grip… used it and finished my last two reps.
When I did this my right shoulder had a slight twinge sensation. It was a very mild pain that lasted 30 minutes or so.
Since I only have a session or two until I fail my 10# jumps altogether and revert back 10# followed by 5# jumps I figured I would just do that now.
My questions are…
Should I drop back a little more than 10# to train the hook grip? I would still stick with the new 5# jumps.
Or, would I likely be ok with just the 10# drop and utilizing the hook grip from the first warm up lift through the work set? Still using the new 5# jumps.