Decline pressing

Hi Jordan

I train for hypertrophy but I have this issue where I get suboptimal pumps in my chest almost no matter what I do. My delts and triceps are more developed than my chest. I can get insane pumps in my quads, hamstrings – even my back including the lats which I know a lot of people struggle with. And I can get to a point where I feel some disruption in my chest if I use certain exercises (incline bench press, cable flyes mainly – incline dumbbell press is also decent). Generally I have to work the chest really hard - meaning no less than 5-6 sets in one session and usually more later on in a mesocycle - to really get a pump and feel any sort of disruption and soreness next day. My technique, I would say, is very good on the flat bench, both dumbbell and barbell. I used to strength train and have spent the last 5 years perfecting the arch and retraction and bar path. It’s just an exercise that I mainly feel in my delts and triceps.

Recently I have tried to give the decline press a go with low weights – both dumbbell and barbell – and lo and behold, I feel an amazing amount of tension in my chest when I do it. It seems so much more productive for me. But I find that almost no one uses this exercise, and I can see how it would be pretty difficult to do with actual working weight since it would be hard to unrack and also slightly dangerous. And setting up with dumbbells is pretty difficult too, but I suppose I could get a spotter to help.

Would just like to know what you think about the decline press, if it’s a feasible strategy to build a chest routine around it. Also if you have any tips on how to get around the issues that I mentioned above? Do you know of lifters that train the decline press seriously? I’ve just never seen anyone really talk about it seriously as something that has a place in a chest routine

I was thinking to do incline barbell bench followed by cable flyes on day 1 and a decline press followed by a incline dumbbell press on day 2.

I think it’s an okay exercise that contributes similar levels of hypertrophy (for some folks) to other pressing movements. I think it has little transference to powerlifting, and thus I don’t know any one who seriously trains it.

I would not build a “chest routine” around it, but you could use it as one of the many movements you should be doing, sure. I also think that 5-6 sets in a session is also pretty low volume for the shoulder girdle IMO.